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Who’s running to be the next US president?

Who's running to be the next US president

The 2024 election for the President of the United States is becoming interesting. However, we have Ex-President Donald Trump. He is gaining a lot of support from the Republican Party. On the other side, we have President Joe Biden. He is also trying to convince people that he should stay in the White House for another four years.

Donald Trump is doing well among the few Republicans running for president. This mean we will see an interesting rematch between Trump and Joe Biden. As happened in the 2020 election when Biden won.

However, Trump deals with many legal issues. They are causing problems for his campaign as the primary season goes on. Meanwhile these court cases are throwing a wrench into his plans. Ultimately, the major political parties declare their chosen presidential candidates as the winners.

Here, BizMediaUpdates takes a look at the candidates running for president in the United States. What do they stand for, and how likely are they to win?

Democratic Party

Joe Biden

Biden, who defeated Trump in the 2020 election. He reached out to the American voters on April 25, 2023 and asked them to help him safe the democracy. He further said that he wants to complete the works that he started during his first term.

Biden led the efforts of Western governments in responding to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. He induced the Allies to impose sanctions on Moscow and support Kiev. Furthermore, he has been backing Israel in its conflict with Hamas militants in Gaza.

However, some members of Biden’s party have criticized him for not backing calls for a ceasefire in the Palestinian territory. Health officials in Gaza report that more than 25,000 people have died. Moreover, thousands of buildings have been damaged or destroyed. According to them, residents are struggling to get enough food, water, and medical supplies.

The Associated Press-NORC survey came out in mid-April. They showed that nearly half of Democratic voters want Biden to run for president again. About 80 percent of those voters said they would support Biden if he ran against a Republican candidate.

He is also facing concerns about his age. If Biden wins the 2024 election, he will be 82 years old at the start of his second term. Some critics have questioned whether he has the ability to hold on to the top job for another four years.

Joe Biden

Dean Phillips

Dean Phillips, a congressman from Minnesota who isn’t very well-known. He said in October that he is going to try to beat Biden in the next election. Even though he doesn’t think Biden can win again.

He’s 55 years old and a millionaire who helped start a gelato company. He announced his plan in a short video online. He said that, “We’ve got some problems. we’re going to fix the economy. And we’re going to fix America.”

Dean Phillips

Republic Party

Donald Trump

Trump is a 77 years old. He says that the charges against him are just a way for his opponents to stop him from being president for another four years. The Justice Department says this isn’t true. He is also been talking more like a leader who has a lot of power. Trump also said that, he would act like a dictator right from the start of his presidency.

Trump also stated that significant changes would occur, such as ensuring government workers support him. Additionally, he aims to make immigration rules stricter. This will only be possible if peoples are sent back to their countries of origin. Lastly, he plans to make it harder to trade with China.

Donald Trump

Nikki Haley

Haley, was served as former governor of South Carolina. And he was ambassador of Trump in the United Nations, is 52 years old. She talks a lot about being younger than Biden, who is 81, and Trump. She also talks about her parents coming from India.

She focused her campaign on “justice and love.” She tried to become the Democratic nominee in the 2020 election. But she quit before people started voting. She started her new campaign on March 23. Moreover she will be on the ballot for the New Hampshire primary.

Nikki Haley

Ryan Binkley

Mr. Binkley, a pastor and businessman, decided to run for president in 2024 on May 9, 2023. Some people does not think he has a good chance of winning against Mr. Trump for the Republican nomination.

“We need to have faith in God and in each other during uncertain times. It’s not the moment to give up. It’s the moment to have faith and keep believing.”

Mr. Binkley believes he can challenge Mr. Trump. Even though not many people know him. Moreover, he has never been elected to any office.

Ryan Binkley

Independent Candidates

Cornel West

In June, the political activist, philosopher, and academic announced that he’s running for president as a third-party candidate. He’s 70 years old.

West first ran for president with the Green Party. But in October, he said he thinks people care more about having good policies than sticking to one political party. So, he decided to run as an independent. He promised to end poverty and make sure everyone has a place to live.

Cornel West

Jill Stein

On November 9th, Jill Stein, a doctor, decided to run again for president with the Green Party. She says that Democrats have let down their promises to help workers, young people, and the environment. Besides, Republicans never even made those promises.

At 73 years old, Stein raised a substantial amount of money for recounts after Trump unexpectedly won in 2016.

At 73 years old, Stein raised a lot of money for recounts after Trump won unexpectedly in 2016. But after looking into it, it turned out Trump still won in Wisconsin.

Jill Stein

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who is 70 years old, is known for being against vaccines. He started off trying to challenge Biden for the Democratic nomination but is now running as an independent. However, he’s not doing very well in the polls.

Recent polls shows that Kennedy might hurt Biden more than Trump in the election. In the latest survey, 18% of people said they would support him if he ran.

Kennedy, the son of Senator Robert F., whose father was running for president in 1968 and was killed. He was banned from Instagram for spreading false information about vaccines and COVID-19. However, he got his account back later on.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr

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